Môn Multiply | Môn CF
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Môn Multiply is a new initiative that helps adults on Anglesey improve their numeracy skills.


Môn CF is delivering Môn Multiply projects across the region to help individuals develop new Skills for Life!


If you're aged 19 and over and don't have a GCSE Maths at Grade C (or equivalent) you can access our FREE Skills for Life Programmes!

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Môn Multiply is a new Government-funded programme that aims to help adults improve their numeracy skills.


Numeracy is one of our Skills for Life and happens everywhere you look.


Whether you're measuring out recipes, budgeting for that next holiday, or helping the kids with homework, there's no limit to how often numeracy skills come in handy.


Through Môn Multiply you'll work towards a maths qualification up to, and including a Level 2 equivalent t!


Get involved and improve your skills for life, today!

Home schooling

What is Môn Multiply?

Why choose Môn Multiply?

Numeracy and maths can be daunting subjects, especially if you're not confident using them.


Môn Multiply helps you hit the reset button and focus on the essential skills you need in everyday life.

We help you improve your skills through courses that are practical and fun, and that don't feel like maths!


From learning the guitar to cooking and nutrition, we cover a variety of subjects. All of which involve numeracy skills that you're already using every day!


Whether you're eying a promotion in work, want to help your family and friends, or want to refresh your skills. Môn Multiply courses help you unlock more opportunities for your future.


Môn Multiply is here for you - together we'll make maths and numeracy our new best friends!

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Doing Homework

Môn Multiply will help you:

Refresh your skills

School might have been years ago and if you'd like a fun way to refresh your numeracy skills - Môn Multiply is the perfect place to do just that!

Improved Employability

Strong numeracy skills are highly sought after by employers, Môn Multiply helps you become more competitive int he labour market.

Discover New Qualifications

Môn Multiply will set you on the path to discovering new skills and help you prepare to study new qualifications in the future!

Build Confidence

As your skills grow, so will your confidence in handling everyday tasks that involve numbers, giving you a greater sense of self-assurance.

Better Problem-Solving

Numeracy skills help you sharpen your problem-solving abilities, helping you tackle challenges and find solutions more effectively.


You'll become more self-reliant in other areas of life, from managing household finances to understanding important information.

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Do I qualify for Môn Multiply?

To qualify for a Multiply Course you need to be over the age of 19 and don't have a maths GCSE grade C (or equivalent).


Môn Multiply courses are free of charge and have been designed to teach essential numeracy skills to help individuals build confidence in their skills and gain a qualification.


For more information, or to get involved, contact Môn CF's Multiply team today!

Application support is provided by the Môn CF Employment Support service. For more information on Môn Multiply, contact info@moncf.co.uk

Register for Môn Multiply Activities

Môn Multiply Activity Sign Up

Choose one or more activities you're interested in:

Please Note: Spaces are limited on each activity and are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some activities may not be available due to scheduling conflicts or other limiting factors. A representative from Môn CF will contact you upon submission of this form with more information on the course you have selected.

Thanks for submitting! One of our project coordinators will be in touch with more information.

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